Sunday, July 1, 2012

Reflection #2

As I continue this course I have learned that the current way of teaching is making a huge shift with the integration of technology.  Technology can no longer be thought of as something that we have in the class to help supplement instruction.  It is our instruction.  With the world and education changing at such a fast pace, it is critical to be knowledgeable of how technology should be used to create a global learning environment and prepare students with the skills needed for their future.  I still have a lot to learn and many questions to answer pertaining to how my own classroom will be "reconstructed"  however now I have a starting point.

In this course I have learned that I need to step up and continue to learn more about how technology should and can be used in the classroom.  Learning and applying something new always takes time and dedication but if I want to teach with technology, I need to know technology.  The opportunities in this course to learn about and use blogs, wiki's, voicethread, diigo, and so on have given me the first steps needed in applying my new found skills in the classroom.  

One thing that I learned and  I would like to apply to my future teaching is global citizenship. I have always had a difficult time figuring out how to truly teach multiculturalism in my classroom.   One of the articles I read discussed teaching global citizenship through the concept friendship.  A light bulb went on in my head!  It is not so much about teaching multiculturalism as it is about participating in global citizenship.  Technology has opened the doors to seeing culture rather than reading about it.  I am very excited to introduce this concept to my students this year.  The article suggested using something you love as a starting point and so now when we discuss our favorite things to do, things to eat, and so on in kindergarten I can also use technology to show what other students around the world love.  Even if it is as simple as putting up a picture on my whiteboard of students from Africa eating rice from a bowl the opportunities to open up discussions about the smiles on their faces, why several people would be eating from one plate, how they are dressed, etc.  will take our favorite things to eat discussion to a whole new level.  

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